Unique Identification Authority of India has released an notification and said that it has extended the free Aadhaar update of documents by 3 months from 14 September, 2023 to 14 December, 2023. UIDAI said, as quoted by BS, “In order to encourage more residents to update their document in Aadhaar, it was decided to provide the provision to update their document in Aadhaar through myAadhaar portal free of cost up to September 14.”
“Based on the positive response from the residents, it is decided to extend the facility for three more months, i.e. from September 15 to December 14. Accordingly, the facility for document update shall continue free of cost through myAadhaar portal at https://myaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/ up to December 14,” it added.
UIDAI has also asked Aadhaar holders of 10 years to update the details with the latest information as “Please update Aadhaar for continues accuracy of demographic information. To update it, upload your proof of identity and proof of address documents.”
Among the details sought include name, address, and details of relatives in case of marriage or death, etc. These details can be updated for free on UIDAI’s website or also be done physically at Common Services Centres (CSC) by paying ₹25.
How to upload address proof for free:
1) Visit https://myaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/
2) Log in and select “Name/Gender/Date of Birth & Address Update”.
3) Click on “Update Aadhaar Online”.
4) Select ‘address’ from the list of demographic options and click ‘Proceed to Update Aadhaar’.
5) Upload a scanned copy and enter the required demographic information.
6) Make a payment of ₹25. ( Not required till 14 December 14)
7) A Service Request Number (SRN) will be generated which needs to be saved for tracking status.
8) On completion of the internal quality check, the UIDAI subscriber will receive an SMS.